Remote access to instance

Enabling Remote Access

To access the created instances, you must connect in SSH.
For this, each instance must have an IP address making it visible and accessible from the outside.

First, make sure you have free floating IP addresses allocated to the project.

Associate a floatting IP to instance

Link a floating IP to an instance by using

$ openstack server add floating ip <instance> <floating_ip>

If everything worked, this command does not return any output.

For example :

Suppose we have allocated a new floating IP address ( to the project.
Now, to associate this floating IP with an instance called VM, we use:

$ openstack server add floating ip VM

Dissociate a floatting IP from instance

You can dissociate a floating IP from an instance with the following command line.
This floating IP can be associated with another instance later, according to the project’s needs. Cette ip pourra être réutilisée en l’associant à une autre instance selon les besoins du projet.

$ openstack server remove floating ip <instance> <floating_ip>

SSH access

If the security group is configured correctly, you should be able to access to instance by using ssh.

$ ssh <user_name>@<floating_ip>

If your instance was created without user then the username is the default name.

By default, the username depends on the distribution. Usually it’s the name of distribution as is the case for debian, ubuntu, nixos and cirros.

For example:
Let’s say I just created an Ubuntu 18.04.3 instance associate to the floating IP
To access via SSH, I write

$ ssh ubuntu@