OpenStack is a set of open source software that provides a solution for deploying and managing cloud computing infrastructures.
Nova is GRICAD’s OpenStack platform for on-demand non-permanent virtual machines.
Accessible via a web interface or APIs, the platform lets you manage VMs, their network and all Cloud Computing resources.
The NOVA project provides a cloud computing infrastructure (IaaS) for EPE UGA establishments.
The funders are : CNRS, Grenoble INP, Inria, UGA, research or teaching projects, Mathrice.
The platform is installed in the Grenoble datacenter.
Each project is allocated a set of resources (cores, memory, disk space, network) that users can use to create and manage VMs as they see fit.
To access GRICAD’s Nova cloud computing service, you must have a Perseus account and apply for a project.
Any use that does not require hosting or long-term storage.
For all perennial virtual server needs (web server, database, application) prefer the UGA WINTER service.