La plateforme de notebooks JupyterHub

GRICAD offers a JupyterHub platform that provides access to notebooks via a web server.

The current platform is coming to the end of its life. Grenoble INP’s authentication update makes it impossible for G-INP staff to access the platform. The platform will no longer be updated, but a new platform is now available.

New platform

Access is open to anyone with a Université Grenoble Alpes (AGALAN) account.

User data (notebook, other data files loaded on the server) are persistent.

You now have a data quota of 20 GB.

When you log on for the first time, if you already had an account on the old platform, your personal data will be automatically synchronized.

Any packages you may have installed locally will not be synchronized, as the version differences between the two servers are too great. You’ll need to reinstall them.

Old platform

The service will remain open until the end of the 2023/2024 academic year.

For any other needs, please contact us on