High performance computing

GRICAD is in charge of the operation and development of the intensive computing mesocenter for Grenoble research (CIMENT). As such, we offer to all the research staff of the site an access to our different computing platforms.

First of all, to access the machines, you have to create an account on PERSEUS, the portal for project and user management.

Here are the next steps you must follow to launch your first job on our clusters:

Tutorials and more advanced usage examples on the use of computing clusters are available here.

For all problems concerning use of these computing platforms, please send an email to sos-calcul-gricad@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr or use our ticket management interface

The Grenoble mesocenter

A mesocenter, whose definition is given on the site of the Computing group, groups together material and human resources on a scale that is typically larger than the capacities of a single laboratory and smaller than the national centers. Thus, in the computing pyramid, at the top of which is the Tier 0 of the international centers, the mesocenters are in Tier 2, below the Tier 1 of the national centers and above the Tier 3 of the laboratories and individual machines.

A mesocenter also has the particularity of being specifically oriented towards high-performance computing, not specific to a single discipline, pooling resources while remaining more flexible and easier to access than national centers. It is therefore able to accommodate intermediate-sized computing operations and offers a springboard for users with needs that fall within the scope of national or international computing centers.

A mesocenter achieves a balance between the greatest possible flexibility of access, a pooling of resources offering access to platforms with greater capacity than those of a single laboratory, and the most optimal sharing of resources in order to maximize the efficiency of their use and the scientific value of investments made by the community.